Thursday, May 28, 2020

99 Questions you can ask to anyone

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away”

                                       -  George carlin

1.  What is the most embarrassing thing that you have seen someone else do?

2. When was the last time you sat in a lonely place for more than 10 minutes?

3. How important is it to you that other people remember, spell and pronounce your name correctly? Why?

4. What is your favourite item to cook?

5. Which movie have you watched over and over again?

6. How many hours do you need to get rested?

7. Which sound makes you sleep?

8. In one sentence, how would you describe your best friend?

9. Which animal scares you the most?

10. Are you serious-minded or a jokester?

11. Do you avoid conflict or engage in it?

12. Are you a leader or a follower? How do you know?

13. What do you do more, Break the rule or keep the rule?

14. Which book has made a big impact on your life?

15. What is your greatest hobby?

16. Are you superstitious? If yes give example?

17. What one word best describes your mother?

18. What one word best describes your father?

19. How do you define cuteness?

20. What inspires you to write?

21. What bores you the most?

22. On a scale from 1 to 10, how controlled person are you?

23. Where do you spend most of your money?

24. How tolerant person are you?

25. At what time of the day do you feel the best?

26. Tell me the best quality you have?

27. Which is more important to you, to look good or to feel good?

28. Who is the first person you tell when something good or bad happens in your life?

29. What do you mostly do to get relaxed?

30. What’s your dream job?

31. What’s your favourite meal?

32. Do you study in silence or in noise?

33. Which one place of the entire world do you want to go in life?

34. What’s your favourite colour?

35. If you could return a person (dead or alive) then whom do you choose?

36. Who’s your favourite comedian?

37. What’s your favourite quotation? Why is it special?

38. Who is your favourite person in the entire world?

39. Which is your favourite town/city?

40. Who was your school time best friend?

41. Who was/were your favourite teacher/s growing up?

42. Which was the most scary situation in your life?

43. Who has made the biggest impact on you?

44. Who has been your friend the longest?

45. Did you ever cheat in a school exam? How?

46. What dream have come true in your life?

47. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

48. What’s something that you did growing up that your parents never found out or knew?

49. When was the last time you cried? Why?

50. On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy do you usually feel?

51. What thing in this world breaks your heart?

52. Describe the time when you lost something very valuable?

53. What thing always brings a smile to your face?

54. What was your proudest moment?

55. How do you define love?

56. How many times have you fallen in love?

57. Whom have you lost touch with but still wonder about?

58. Who has loved you more than anyone in your life?

59. What do you dream about most often?

60. Which was the greatest day of your life?

61. Do you believe in “love at first sight”? Why?

62. How often do you cry watching movies?

63. Why do you think there are so many religions in the world?

64. Do you believe there is heaven and hell?

65. If you could ask God to do any three things for you and you knew he would do them, what would you ask him to do?

66. If you could learn a foreign language, which one would you choose and why?

67. If you could change one of your appearance then what would it be and why?

68. If you could rule the whole world for one day then what would you do?

69. If you were imprisoned and allowed to read only one book then what would it be?

70. If you could bring one dead person back from the dead then whom would you choose and why?

71. Do you like your name? If not which one do you choose and why?

72. If you could rid the world from any evil then what would it be?

73. Which is your favourite animal? Why?

74. If you could read someone’s mind then whose mind would you choose?

75. If you could write a best-selling book, what would you write about?

76. If you were forced to give up one of your five senses then which one will you choose and why?

77. If you are requested to give an advice to all the parents then what would you say?

78. If you could sustain the rest of your life, what age would you choose to be?

79. If you could return anything spoken to someone then what would you return and from whom?

80. What does “Success” mean to you?

81. What is beauty?

82. What do you think is needed to make the world a better place to live?

83. Do you think that it’s so hard for people to say that they’re sorry?

84. Which will you support to: knowledge power or truth power? Why?

85. What is truth?

86. Do you think that science can provide solution to every problem of the world?

87. Do you think the sixth sense exists?

88. How would you define “Freedom”?

89. Who do you think the greatest leader of all time? Why?

90. What is the difference between “Faith” and “Religion”?

91. How often do you compare yourself with others?

92. How do you define “Life”?

93. What do you like about nature?

94. If you were given a chance to redo any task of your past then which would you choose and why?

95. On a scale from 1 to 10, how dashing are you?

96. “I do what I don’t want to do and I don’t do what I want to do.” What do you think about this?

97. Share the funniest joke you have heard?

98. Who is your favourite singer?

99. Which movie has taught you the best lesson in life?