Friday, May 29, 2020

Do MOOCing not Facebooking

In this present era we are bounded by various technologies which are tracking our valuable time. Smartphone, PC and Desktop with internet connections are the most common sources we use every time. People are interacting in such a way that they cannot spend even an hour without internet. It’s been an inseparable part of human life. Students in schools and colleges are using these technologies for updating in social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Though there are several good aspects but researches show that most students use social media for killing their good time rather than spending it for learning and developing activities. Texting, pictures posting, sharing funny jokes, adult content surfing, etc. are the common activities we see students being engaged in.

What if students try to surf about exploring new ideas and interests through online learning sites? MOOC is an ultimate source to learn and build skills in students. MOOC stands for “Massive Open Online Course” and it is intended to teach learners from various universities of the world. One can learn whatever he/she wants to according to their level. There are different sites where you can learn but some of them are paid. In developing countries like Nepal, it’s difficult to pay $40-$60 for a single course so for this problem Couesera provides you a platform to apply for Financial Aid where you can request for free enrollment and certificate. At this present time courser has become the most popular online learning site for most of the online learners. There are beginner level to degree courses with the time duration of 1 week to 6 months too. So one can learn according to his/her interest and need.

A quick starting guide for beginners:

- Go to

- Register Your Account/Sign Up
- Search a course

- Click on the course you choose

-  Then you will see this dialogue box

    Click on the Financial aid available
- Then you will get to this 
    Click on Continue to the application
- Tick the boxes and copy the text
    Then Continue
- Fill the Financial aid and submit

Now go to course again and click on enroll for free and then choose full course, no certificate and start the course.
you will get certificate after 14 days of your submission.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

99 Questions you can ask to anyone

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away”

                                       -  George carlin

1.  What is the most embarrassing thing that you have seen someone else do?

2. When was the last time you sat in a lonely place for more than 10 minutes?

3. How important is it to you that other people remember, spell and pronounce your name correctly? Why?

4. What is your favourite item to cook?

5. Which movie have you watched over and over again?

6. How many hours do you need to get rested?

7. Which sound makes you sleep?

8. In one sentence, how would you describe your best friend?

9. Which animal scares you the most?

10. Are you serious-minded or a jokester?

11. Do you avoid conflict or engage in it?

12. Are you a leader or a follower? How do you know?

13. What do you do more, Break the rule or keep the rule?

14. Which book has made a big impact on your life?

15. What is your greatest hobby?

16. Are you superstitious? If yes give example?

17. What one word best describes your mother?

18. What one word best describes your father?

19. How do you define cuteness?

20. What inspires you to write?

21. What bores you the most?

22. On a scale from 1 to 10, how controlled person are you?

23. Where do you spend most of your money?

24. How tolerant person are you?

25. At what time of the day do you feel the best?

26. Tell me the best quality you have?

27. Which is more important to you, to look good or to feel good?

28. Who is the first person you tell when something good or bad happens in your life?

29. What do you mostly do to get relaxed?

30. What’s your dream job?

31. What’s your favourite meal?

32. Do you study in silence or in noise?

33. Which one place of the entire world do you want to go in life?

34. What’s your favourite colour?

35. If you could return a person (dead or alive) then whom do you choose?

36. Who’s your favourite comedian?

37. What’s your favourite quotation? Why is it special?

38. Who is your favourite person in the entire world?

39. Which is your favourite town/city?

40. Who was your school time best friend?

41. Who was/were your favourite teacher/s growing up?

42. Which was the most scary situation in your life?

43. Who has made the biggest impact on you?

44. Who has been your friend the longest?

45. Did you ever cheat in a school exam? How?

46. What dream have come true in your life?

47. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

48. What’s something that you did growing up that your parents never found out or knew?

49. When was the last time you cried? Why?

50. On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy do you usually feel?

51. What thing in this world breaks your heart?

52. Describe the time when you lost something very valuable?

53. What thing always brings a smile to your face?

54. What was your proudest moment?

55. How do you define love?

56. How many times have you fallen in love?

57. Whom have you lost touch with but still wonder about?

58. Who has loved you more than anyone in your life?

59. What do you dream about most often?

60. Which was the greatest day of your life?

61. Do you believe in “love at first sight”? Why?

62. How often do you cry watching movies?

63. Why do you think there are so many religions in the world?

64. Do you believe there is heaven and hell?

65. If you could ask God to do any three things for you and you knew he would do them, what would you ask him to do?

66. If you could learn a foreign language, which one would you choose and why?

67. If you could change one of your appearance then what would it be and why?

68. If you could rule the whole world for one day then what would you do?

69. If you were imprisoned and allowed to read only one book then what would it be?

70. If you could bring one dead person back from the dead then whom would you choose and why?

71. Do you like your name? If not which one do you choose and why?

72. If you could rid the world from any evil then what would it be?

73. Which is your favourite animal? Why?

74. If you could read someone’s mind then whose mind would you choose?

75. If you could write a best-selling book, what would you write about?

76. If you were forced to give up one of your five senses then which one will you choose and why?

77. If you are requested to give an advice to all the parents then what would you say?

78. If you could sustain the rest of your life, what age would you choose to be?

79. If you could return anything spoken to someone then what would you return and from whom?

80. What does “Success” mean to you?

81. What is beauty?

82. What do you think is needed to make the world a better place to live?

83. Do you think that it’s so hard for people to say that they’re sorry?

84. Which will you support to: knowledge power or truth power? Why?

85. What is truth?

86. Do you think that science can provide solution to every problem of the world?

87. Do you think the sixth sense exists?

88. How would you define “Freedom”?

89. Who do you think the greatest leader of all time? Why?

90. What is the difference between “Faith” and “Religion”?

91. How often do you compare yourself with others?

92. How do you define “Life”?

93. What do you like about nature?

94. If you were given a chance to redo any task of your past then which would you choose and why?

95. On a scale from 1 to 10, how dashing are you?

96. “I do what I don’t want to do and I don’t do what I want to do.” What do you think about this?

97. Share the funniest joke you have heard?

98. Who is your favourite singer?

99. Which movie has taught you the best lesson in life?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Be Happy

Happiness is not an expression that one shows out of his/her face with a smile or a good look. It is an inner feeling from the soul that comes out when you have contended enough from something or somebody around you. Happiness is a part of everyone's life but many of us are copying others to be happy.

As being a student of Science of Wellbeing, I came to know that happiness lies within us but as like a Musk Deer we try finding in others and copy them. Many of us may think that enough money, a good job, good relations etc. make us happy but you are wrong there. Good income and good relations do not make us happy in actual. 

In my thinking, there are two most common ways that make us unhappy and they are;
- Illusion of Vision
- Having More Choices

Vision Illusion refers to such an incidents of human mind that sees different to a same thing but in different aspects and factors. This Creates more illusion in the mind and does not let you to be happy.
In the other hand when you have more choices then you never see perfection in any choices and it leads to unhappy situations.

According to Pro. Dr Laurie Santos, some of the major ways to be happy are listed here;
- Meditation
- Reduction to your number of choices
- Calling a friend
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Sleep
- Focus less on "End Goals"
- Express your views to someone
- Think Positive

 Science of Wellbeing, Yale University
If you are willing to join this course then click on the link
Enjoy the course and be Happy!

Thank You !!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

बालबालिकालाई कुलतमुक्त राख्न अभिभावकको भूमिका

आजको विश्व आक्रान्त सोच, परालको आगो जस्तै विकास र चुरोटको धुवाँजस्तै जिन्दगीको भुमरीमा फन्को लगाईरहेको छ। हाम्रो मुलुक , प्रत्येक वर्ष २७ हजार क्यान्सर पीडित थप्दै उघ्रेको छ। प्रत्येक साँझ यहाँ गाँजाको सर्को र रक्सीको नसा सँगै अर्बौं रुपियाँको लागुपदार्थ ओसारपसार र प्रयोग गरिदै आएको छ। यस्तो चरम परिस्थितिलाई न्यूनिकरण र नियन्त्रणका निम्ति सर्वोत्तम भूमिका खेल्ने भनेकै अभिभावक हुन् । तसर्थ धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागुपदार्थ भनेको आखिर के हो त? यसले पार्ने असर के कस्ता छन् त? जोगिने उपाए के के हुन् ? भन्ने प्रश्नको जबाफ हरेक गाउँ , टोल , समाज र प्रत्येक ब्याक्तिको मन मस्तिष्कमा पुर्याउन जरुरी छ। धूम्रपान : अर्थात् धुवाँको शाब्दिक अर्थ धुवाँ खाने वा धुवाँको सर्को तान्ने भन्ने हुन्छ । चुरोट , बिडि , हुक्का पाइप , पातमा सुर्ती बेरेर त्यसको धुवाँलाई मुखले तानेर धूम्रपान गर्ने गरिन्छ। मादक पदार्थ पिउने वा सेवन गर्ने कामलाई मध्यपान भनिन्छ । संसारमा धेरै थरिका जाँड, रक्सीहरु पाइन्छन् । ती जाँड रक्सी नै मादक पदार्थ हुन् । नेपाली समाजमा रक्सी खानेलाई रक्स्याहा र जाड खानेलाई जड्याहा भनिन्छ ।मादक वस्तु वा नसादर पदार्थलाई लागुपदार्थ भनिन्छ।लागुपदार्थमा गाँजा , भाङ , चरेस , अफिम आदि पर्छन् । लागुपदार्थको प्रयोग मानिसले धुवाँका रुपमा , पिएर , खानामा मिसाएर , सिरिन्जमा राखेर गर्ने गरेको पाइन्छ । 

कुनै पनि ब्यक्ति धुम्रपान गर्ने , खैनी खाने, जाँड रक्सी खाने, लागू औषध अर्थात् नसाको लागि प्रयोग गरिने औषधि प्रयोग गर्ने बानी लिएर जन्मेको हुँदैन । उसले यी सबै बानी परिवार र समाजबाट नै सिक्ने हो। वास्तवमा चुरोट , सुर्ती लाई लागू पदार्थ भनिदैन। चुरोट , सुर्ती को नसा लामो समय रहदैन र यसले मानिसलाई लठ्ठ पारिहाल्दैन । तर चुरोट वा सुर्तीमा बढी नसा लाग्ने कुरा मिसाएर सेवन गरियो भने त्यसलाई लागू पदार्थ भन्न सकिन्छ । चुरोट , जाँडरक्सी , लागू पदार्थ जस्ता कुराहरुका प्रयोगकर्तालाई पहिला मैले आफू खुसि प्रयोग गरेकोले मन लागेको बेला छाड्न सक्छु भन्ने लाग्छ तर पछि गएर लागूपदार्थले आफुलाई नै नियन्त्रण गरेको र आफू त्यसपछि आस्रित भएको उसले पत्तो पाउदैन । नेपालमा १ लाख ७५ हजार लागू औषध प्रयोग कर्ता रहेको अनुमान छ। तसर्थ लागू औषध दुरुपयोगको समस्या दिनानुदिन भुसको आगो झैँ फैलिरहेको छ । लागू औषध अबैध ओसारपसार लाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रुपमै अपराधको रुपमा हेरिन्छ । त्यसैले यो एउटा विश्वकै साझा समस्याको विषय बनेको छ । नेपालमा गाँजा , चरेस जस्ता पदार्थ खुल्ला रुपमा बिक्रीवितरण गर्नमा लागू औषध नियन्त्रण ऎन २०३३ ले प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने काम गरेको र यसै ऎनअन्तर्गतकै दफा ४ अन्तर्गत निषेध गरिएका कार्य गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई अपराधको मात्रा अनुसार देहाय बमोजिम सजाय हुनेछ :

(क) गाँजा सेवन गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई एक महीनासम्म कैद वा दुईहजार रुपैयाँसम्म जरिवाना ।

(ख) पच्चीसवटा बोटसम्म गाँजाको खेती गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई तीन महीनासम्म कैद वा तीनहजार रुपैयाँसम्म जरिवाना ।

(ग) पच्चीसवटा बोट भन्दा बढी गाँजाको खेती गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई तीनवर्षसम्म कैद वा पाँचहजार रुपैयाँदेखि पच्चीसहजार रुपैयाँसम्म जरिवाना ।

(घ) अफिम, कोका वा सो बाट बनेको लागू औषधको सेवन गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई एक वर्षसम्म कैद वा दश हजार रुपैयाँसम्म जरिवाना ।

(ङ) नेपाल सरकारले समय समयमा नेपाल राजपत्रमा सूचना प्रकाशित गरी तोकिदिएका प्राकृतिक वा कृत्रिम लागू औषध वा मनोद्वीपक पदार्थ (साइकोट्रपिक सब्स्ट्रान्स) र तिनको लवण र अन्य पदार्थ समेतको दुव्र्यसन गर्ने व्यक्तिलाई दुई महीनासम्म कैद वा दुईहजार रुपैयाँसम्म जरिवाना वा दुबै सजाय ।

धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागू पदार्थ कसरी गर्न पुग्छन् ?? प्रश्न उठ्छ ।किशोरकिशोरीले बाबुआमाको यथेष्ट वा पूरा हेरचाह नपाउनु , परिवारका वयस्क सदस्य दुर्ब्यसनी हुनु , कुसङ्गतमा लाग्नु , लहलहैमा लाग्नु, तिरस्कृत हुनु , सामाजिक र संस्कृति परम्परा , जिज्ञासुको स्वभाव , बेरोजगारी जस्ता कारण हुन सक्छन् । जसले गर्दा अनेकौं असरहरु खेप्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। जस्तैः मानसिक प्रभाव , सामाजिक असर , आर्थिक समस्या , शारीरिक समस्या , झै झगडा, विस्वासको कमि र एच. आई. भि संक्रमीत पनि हुन पुग्छन् । यो समस्याबाट किशोरकिशोरीलाई टाढा राख्नुमा अभिभावकको ठूलो भुमिका रहन्छ।

परिवारमा बाबुआमाले आफ्ना बाबुनानिहरुलाई यथेष्ट समय छुट्याउने , समाजमा युवामैत्री वातावरणमाको सिर्जना गर्ने , उनिहरुलाई सामाजिक कार्यमा सम्लग्न हुन प्रेरित गर्ने , टोलटोलमा कला, सस्कृती , नित्य , संगीत , खेलकुद आदि सम्बन्धि कार्यक्रमहरु संचालन गर्ने, परिवारका सदस्यहरुबिच यसका असरहरु बारे छलफल गर्ने , -चुरोट, रक्सी ,लागू पदार्थ विज्ञापन र बिक्रीवितरणमा बन्देज लगाउन आ-आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा वकालत गर्ने गर्नुपर्छ । भनिन्छ नि सदस्य -सदस्य मिलेर परिवार , परिवार -परिवार मिलेर समाज र समाज - समाज मिलेर सिङ्गो रास्ट्र बन्छ । त्यसरी नै यदि एक दुई सदस्यले ठिक बेठीक पत्ता लगाई सोही अनुसार उचित काम गरि आफ्नो परिवारलाई धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागू पदार्थ मुक्त बनाउछ भने उसले रास्ट्र लाई नै ठूलो सहयोग पुर्याएको हुन्छ ।परिवारमा कुनै सदस्य कुलतमा फसेको छ भने उसलाई गाली गलोच गरेर होईन , त्यो एक किसिमको रोग हो उपचार गरे निको हुन्छ भन्ने सन्देश दिएर दुव्र्यवहारबाट जोगाउन सकिन्छ। कुनै परिवारमा देखिन्छ , घरको मुल सदस्यले चुरोट सल्काउन आफ्ना छोराछोरीलाई अर्याएका हुन्छन् र छोराछोरीले पनि बानी परेर सो कारणले गर्दा कुलतमा फसेको पाइन्छ। त्यसकारण सुरु आफै बाट गर्ने हो , आफुले पनि धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागू पदार्थ सेवन नगरौं , छोराछोरीलाई पनि सेवन गर्नबाट टाढा राखौं ।

यसरी हामी यो निष्कर्षमा पुग्न सक्छौं कि धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागू पदार्थमा परिवारको ठूलो भुमिका हुन्छ । यसको अलबा पनि नेपालले अब प्रशासनिक निकायबाट मात्र धूम्रपान , मध्यपान र लागू पदार्थ नियन्त्रण गर्न असम्भव हुन्छ भन्ने बुज्नु पर्छ । सबै राजनीतिक दलहरुसङ यसको नियन्त्रणको एजेन्डा बन्नुपर्छ । यो समस्याको समाधान गर्न प्रहरी , प्रशासन , कानुन , ब्याबसायी , सरकारी वकिल , र अदालतको प्रयास पर्याप्त छैन ।अर्को अर्थमा भन्ने हो भने यी सम्बन्धित निकायहरूको काममा विश्व्सनियताको कमि भएको छ । अभिभावकको हैसियतमा राजनीतिक दल र सम्पुर्ण राज्य नै यसको नियन्त्रणमा कसरी लाग्नु पर्छ भन्ने सोच्नुपर्ने बेला आएको छ । त्यसकारण हामी सबैले यसमा हातेमालो गरौँ ।

यहि नै हाम्रो श्रद्धाभक्ती हो !

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Nepal in brief

Nepal is a country of great beauty and visual varieties. Its altitude varies from lowly 59 meters above sea level in the south and about 8848 meters height of Mt. Everest which is the highest peak in the world. Such a diversity in altitude has created a unique culture in Nepal. Also this is the country of shining mountains, beautiful green places with terraced farmlands and hilly foot trails. Forests are full of wildlife where the lordly tiger and one-horned rhino trundle at ease. Another remarkable feature of Nepal is the religious homogeneity. The exquisite art and architecture of Nepal shows the artistic ingenuity and the religious tradition of people. It is also known by the country of lakes and springs. Here, we found beautiful plants like orchids and rhododendrons.


In the ancient period, Nepal was the history of Kathmandu. The area of Nepal was shrunk and expanded. At that time Nepal has several states. After long decade its present boundaries are expanded.

In the course of history Kathmandu valley was once a great lake. A brilliant flame emanating from a lotus flower that rested in the middle of the lake. Manjushree broached the valley wall with a magical sword draining the water and creating the Kathmandu valley. When the valley was empty from water the Swayambhu appeared in the flaming spot. We know or perhaps it wasn’t Manjushree, he was after all, a Buddhist from China. The Hindus claim it was Krishna who performed the mighty deed, hurling a thunderbolt to create the Chobar gorge.

Scientists agree that the valley was submerged at one time and the rivers of the valley do indeed flow Southward through the narrow Chobar gorge.

Recorded history begins with the Kiratis, who had come from the eastern part of the country. The first known rulers of the Kathmandu valley were the Kiratis, Yalamber, the first of their king, is mentioned in the Hindu epic the Mahabharat. During the Kirati period that  Buddhism first arrived in the country, Krakuchanda Buddha, Kanak Muni Buddha and Kashyapa Buddha visited the Kathmandu valley to worship Swaymbhunath. The Licchavis were the second ruler of 4th to 7th century. The temple of Changunarayan was built in the Licchavi period, which can be seen now a days.

The malla period was golden period of Kathmandu valley when great number of art, statues and temples were built. During the 17th century Malla’s rule the valley for the total period of 568 years. At that period this country was divided into small principalities and kingdoms of 24 groups in the eastern and 22 groups in far western. Kathmandu valley was divided into three states of Kantipur, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur.

From the tiny kingdom of Gorkha, halfway between Kathmandu and Pokhara the king of shah dynasty gradually strengthened and extended their power. In 1768 king Prithvi Narayan Shah defeated the Malla kings and Nepal has been ruled by Shah kings ever since. His Majesty King Bir Bikram Shah Dev is the 10th king in the Shah Dynasty.

In 1846 Jung Bahadur, prime minister of Nepal, took over real power, after the kot Massacre where his supporters managed to kill almost all his opponents. For over a century the hereditary family of Rana prime Minister ruled the country and did very little for development. For example the Ranas built several palaces in the Kathmandu Valley many of which have now been converted to government offices including the famous Singha Durbar the residence of Rana Prime Ministers which is now the central secretariat.

The revolution on November 1950 brought to an end of Rana regime who ruled the country for 104 years since 1846 A.D. In 1951 King Tribhuvan overthrew the Rana regime with support from India. In 1958 there were elections for the parliament and Nepali Congress party emerged victorious and BP Koirala became the first democratically elected prime Minister of Nepal.   


Nepal a sovereign mountainous kingdom, located in southern of Asia. It is land locked country, situated between china to the north and India in the south East and West which are the two giant countries of Asia. The area of Nepal is 1,47,181 in total which covers 0.3 % of Asia and 0.03% area  of the world. It lies between the latitude of 26’22’’ and 30’27’’ north and the longitude of 80’4’’ and 88’12’’ East. The country is small and the East west distance is 885km whereas north south distance is 193 km.

The topography changes dramatically within a short lateral distance. There is a narrow strip of low lands in the south. Further north lie the Himalayan foot hills and ranges which run roughly east-west across the country and include eight of the highest peaks in the world each over 8000 m. Nepal is also remarkable in its variety of climate and vegetation.

Geographically, Nepal can be divided into three main regions:

1.       Himalayan Region

2.       Hilly Region

3.       Terai Region

The mountainous region covers about 15 % of the total area and lies in the northern side of the country at the altitude of 3300m. to 8848m. In this region snow falls every season. So, we found here several mountains like Mt. Everest, kanchanjhunga, Lhotse, Choyu, etc. Another attraction of this region are the Kundas (Big lakes) and also several national parks and wildlife reserves such as Sagarmatha National park, Kanchanjhunga Conservation Area, Makalu Barun National park, etc. In this region, settlement of Sherpas can be found more. Snow bear and the footprints of YETI can be seen in this region.

The hilly region covers about 68 % of the total area of Nepal. It ranges from 610m to 3300m. In winter snow may fall in the high hills of this region. This region is formed by beautiful valleys like Kathmandu and Pokhara. The are many famous and fascinating lakes in Pokhara like Phewa, Rupa and Begnas. Tilicho lake in the Manang District, which is situated in the top level of the world. The three major rivers Karnali, Koshi and Gandaki comes out from the Himalayan region and flows through this region. Additional attractions of this region are Nagarkot and Dhulikhel where the rising sun can be viewed. Most of the snow covered mountains can be observed from Nagarkot, Pokhara and Phulchoki.

The Terai region covers about 17 % of the total area of Nepal. This is the plain land area of Nepal which ranges from 60m to 610m. This is the region with religious places and national parks and wildlife reserves. The famous religious places are Janakpur, Lumbini and Baraha Chetra. Lumbini is famous for the birthplace of lord Buddha who is the activator of world peace. Chitwan National park, Koshi Tapu Wildlife Reserve, Bardiya National Park etc. are the popular protected areas of this region. Bengal tiger and One-Horned Rhino are the major attractions of tourist in the Chitwan National park.

Culture and Customs

Nepal is the meeting place of two different religions. Hinduism and Buddhism, two races, Caucasoid and Mongolian and two civilization Indic and Sinic. The population has a variety of ethnic groups each with its distinct identity. Polygamy is stilled practiced in some areas of the country although legislation banned it in the sixties.

When entering into the rooms in Nepalese home it is polite to remove shoes. While some westernized Nepalese might not be doing it, the best thing is to watch what other are doing. Many Hindu temples do not permit westerners to enter but they are quite free to watch from outside. Always walk clockwise in the Buddhist stupas, chortens ar mani walls. Everybody remove their shoes and any items made from leather such as belt and bag before entering a Buddhist or hindu temple.

Public displays of affection are not good manners and nor should one swim naked in rivers and lakes. In the northern hill areas, polyandry, the custom of wife having more than one husband, was also practiced till recently. On the other hand, the Gurung group has an institution called Rodhighar intended to bring people together before they contemplate marriage. Widow re-marriage was not socially acceptable in some groups. Ethnic groups such as Brahmins were prohibited from drinking alcohol and sometimes follow vegetarian restrains and amongst Brahmin families a man first met his wife on the day he got married. The Sherpas have a remarkably free and easy moral code.


Hinduism and Buddhism constitute two major religions of Nepal sharing between them some 86.5 and 7.8 percent of the total population respectively. Both these co-religionists are bound together by a sense of fellow-feeling and bonhomine particularly displayed in their worship of common deities and joint celebration of many festivals belonging to either religion culture. Buddhism was introduced in Kathmandu valley by emperor Ashoka of India around 250 BC. Later, around 8th century AD, the ancestors of Sherpas emigrated from Tibet bringing with them a form of Buddhism known as Ningmapa gurungs, Tamangs, Sherpas and Newars in Kathmandu valley also follow Mahayana Buddhism ans the famous temple of Swaymbhu in Kathmandu and the “Golden Temple” or the Hiranya Varna Mahabihar in Patan are visited mainly by Buddhist Newars.

A few people have adopted a complex blend of both Hinduism and Buddhism known as Bajrayana which is mainly practiced in Kathmandu valley. A remarkable feature of Nepal is thus the religious homogeneity that exists, particularly between the Hindu and Buddhist communities. Apart from Hindu and Buddhists, Muslim form the third largest religious group. There


Ne alphas the [population about 3 crore made of different races and tribes, living in different regions waearing different costumes and speaking different languages and dialects. The Sherpas live mainly in the mountains of eastern and central Nepal, in particular in the Solukhumbu district at the foot of Mt. Everest. The Sherpas are probably the best known Nepalese ethnic group originally from Tibet, they settled in the area about 500 years ago. The Sherpas are known as the tigers of snow. Brahmin and Chhetris are simply the two largest groups of people living in the hilly region of Nepal. Kathmandu valet is mostly populated by the Newars. Tharu, Yadav, satar, Dhimals are apread in the Terai region of Nepal.


Monday, May 18, 2020

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Use Your PC and Smartphone for Learning

In this modern world of science and technology, learning has been an easy way through the use of Internet and multimedia. Most of the students in today world are using internet as a means of communication and social talk. Some most common ways that they use internet are for chatting, playing online games, organizing events, social posting, following, and so on. More than that there are a lot of ways we can use internet for.

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  • Fill the given form which may include your full name, E-mail, password, etc. and then click on sign up.
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Note : For coursera you need to apply for financial aid. 
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Monday, May 4, 2020

चट्याङ्ः बच्ने उपाय र फाइदा (Thunder and Lightening)

चट्याङ् के हो ?
चट्याङ एक विधुतिय चार्जको विसर्जन हो। यस समयमा धेरै शक्ति उत्पन्न हुने गर्दछ । अर्थात यो खराब मौसमका बेला आकाशबाट जमिनमा खस्ने विधुतिय करेन्ट हो । Google का अनुसार “lighting is a discharge of electricity.” चट्याङ्लाई हाम्रो दृष्टीकोणले दैविक शक्तिका रुपमा हेरे पनि बैज्ञानिक रुपमा चट्याङ् एकप्रकारको करेन्ट नै हो जुन फरक (Positive र Negative) चार्जहरु एक आपसमा सम्पर्कमा आउँदा उत्पन्न हुने गर्छ।
चट्याङ् कसरी पर्छ ?
वायुमण्डलाई यसको उचाईको आधारमा 5 भागमा विभाजन गरिन्छ जस्को तल्लोतह (0-16km) लाई निम्न मण्डल (Troposphere) भनिन्छ। जलचक्र अनुसार पृथ्वीको सतहको पानी तातेर वाफको रुप लिन्छ र वादल बन्छ। जब यो प्रकृया तिब्र बन्दै जान्छ बादल वाक्लो र कालो वन्दै जान्छ जसलाई ‘क्युमलोनिम्वस’  भनिन्छ ।यस्तो बेलामा चट्याङ् पर्ने बढी संभावना हुन्छ। यही वादलमा बनेका तहहरुमा तापक्रममा फरक र ति तहहरु गतिमान भई हिड्छन त्यसवेला घर्षण उत्पनभई ‌+Ve र -Ve चार्ज उत्पन्न हुन्छ। आकासमा जब बिजुली, गर्जन ताप एकै चोटी निस्कन्छ त्यसलाइ चट्याङ् परेको भन्छौ।
सुरुमा त आकाशको बादलभित्र नै विजुली चम्किन्छ जुन बादलभित्रको चट्याङ् हो तर  यस्को चार्ज धेरै भएपछि पृथ्वीमा पनी विपरीत चार्जहरु उत्पन्न हुन्छन र ति चार्ज बिच प्रतिक्रिया हुन्छ र चट्याङ् पर्छ। त्यस्तो बेला पृथ्वीको वायुमण्डलको तापक्रम करिव 30000 °c (54000°f) हुन्छ। सामान्य चट्याङ्मा पनि यसको शक्ति एक अर्व भोल्ट वरावर हुन्छ।
के अग्लो रुख \ घरमा मात्र पर्छ चट्याङ् ?
चट्याङ् अग्लो रुखमा र अग्लोघर टावर मा पर्छ भन्ने कुनै वैज्ञानिकता छैन तर बादलको चार्ज Positive र पृथ्वीको चार्ज Negative एक आपसमा Discharge हुने बेला माध्यमको रुपमा अग्ला रुख ,घर र टावरहरुको प्रयोग हुन्छन र उच्च भोल्टको करेन्ट र ताप त्यहि बाटो हुँदै जमिनमा आउँछ।
चट्याङ्को समयमा के हतियार( बन्चरा फालि) आउँछन त पृथ्वीमा ?
हाम्रो पुरानो सोचाई अनुसार चट्याङ् पर्दा हात हतियार ( बन्चरा फालि) पृथ्वीमा झर्छन र तिनले रुखहरु चिर्छन भन्ने छ । तर उच्च भोल्टको करेन्ट र ताप  आकाश बाट जमिनमा आउँदा बाटोमा माध्यमको रुपमा प्रयोग भएका रुखले उक्त करेन्ट थाम्न सक्दैनन र रुखहरु चिरिन्छन । त्यसै गरी जमिनमा भएका हरेक वस्तुहरु उच्च तापको कारणले जल्ने गर्छन । आकाशबाट आएको करेन्ट जमिनमा प्रवेश गर्दा जमिन जोतिने भने साँचो हो । बादलको चार्ज र जमिनको चार्जको प्रतिक्रिया हुँदा जमिनमा उक्त प्रक्रिया हुन्छ ।
चट्याङ् परिसकेपछि मात्र आवाज किन आउँछ त ?
हो हामिले देखेको भोगेको कुरा हो, विजुली चम्केपछी मात्र आवाज आउँछ सामान्यतया हावामा प्रकाशको गति 300000000 m/s  ध्वनीको 332 m/s हुन्छ अर्थात 1 सेकेण्डमा प्रकाशले 300000000 m यात्रा तय गर्छ जवकी ध्वनीले 1 s मा 332 m मात्र तय गर्छ। ति दुवै क्रिया चट्याङ्मा (lighting) हुने र दुवैको गति फरक हुने भएकोले पहिला चट्याङ् (विजुली चम्कनु ) पर्छ र पछि आवाज आउने गर्छ।
चट्याङ्का असरहरुः-
चट्याङ्ले पृथ्वीको सतहमा जहाँ परेको छ त्यस ठाउँको जनधनको पूर्णरुपमा क्षति गर्दछ। National geographic channel  का अनुसार वर्षमा करिव 24000 मानिसहरु चट्याङ् लागेर मर्दछन। नेपाल पनि विश्वमा चट्याङ्को जोखिम बढी हुने देशको अघिल्लो पङ्तिमा पर्छ। रोचककुरा के भने भेनेजोयलाको माराकाइवो तालमा संसारमा सवैभन्दा बढि (२८पटक प्रतिवर्ष) चट्याङ पर्छ। यो बाहेक चट्यङ्का असरहरु निम्न छन्,
  • जनधनको क्षति
  • हावाहुरी
  • सामुन्द्रिक आँधी
  • Positive charged particle लाई असर
  • विधुतिय उपकरणमा क्षति
  • सञ्चारका टावरहरु ध्वस्त आदि ।
चट्याङ्का फाइदाः-
चट्याङ्का थुप्रै बेफाइदा भएता पनि प्राकृतिक रुपमा चट्याङ्का केहि फाइदाहरु छन् भन्दा तपाईहरुलाई विश्वास नलाग्न पनि सक्छ। जुन निन्न अनुसार छन्;-
  • चट्याङ् पर्दाको तापिय उर्जाले पर्यावरण सन्तुलन गर्दछ र वनस्पतिलाई फाईदाजनक हुन्छ।
  • चट्याङ् पर्दा जव विजुली चम्कन्छ त्यसबेला वायुमण्डलिय N2 (नाइट्रोजन) विरुवाले लिन सक्ने नाइटेटमा (Nitrate) परिवर्तन हुन्छ जसलाई नाइट्रीफिकेसन (Nitrogen cycle) भनिन्छ  । त्यसैले गड्यागुडुङ हुँदा माटो मलिलो हुने विश्वास छ।
  • कतिपय वायुमण्डमा रहेका व्याक्टेरीयाहरु चट्याङ्का क्रममा नष्ट हुन्छन ।
  • चट्याङ् पर्दा निस्कने उच्च करेन्टलाई जम्मा गर्न सक्ने हो भने कयौवर्ष विधुत पुर्तिगर्न सकिन्छ जुन अध्ययन कै क्रममा छ।

श्राेत : Buddhavumi News

Untouchability Drama


(This is the event of Khalankot village. In this village, there is a system of untouchability. In this first scene, the lower caste people are discriminated by the upper caste people in the temple. Let’s see the real event.)
Harka and Ramkali are going to temple for worshiping God.
Ramkali: (inside temple) Oh god, please save my son.
Priest:    Shiva…Shiva…Shiva ,Ramkali why are you here? Oh harka don’t            you know you are from the lower caste?
Ramkali: My son is suffered from fever so we are here for him.
Priest:     Being a lower caste people, you can’t enter here.
Harka:     please let us to worship the god. If we worship the god our son will fine soon.
Priest:    Don’t talk too much. Go away from here fast.
Ramkali:  We won’t go without worshiping the god.
Priest:     Ok, if you don’t want to go then I will call the villagers
Villagers:  What happened guru?
Priest:        They entered into the temple so take them away from here.
Villagers took them away from there in a rude way.
(Harka and Ramkali went to their home with sad face and crying)
Shyam:   What happened to you mom? Why are you crying?
Shyam:    Father, what happened to my mom? Why is she crying?
Harka:     Son, this society suppose us to be the untouchsbles and they don’t let us to enter into the temple. Today also they forbid us to enter there so she is crying.
Shyam:   But still today I learned that all the people are equal.
Harka:    This type of things are only for books but the society doesn’t accept it.

(Even being discriminated by the society, Shyam was a hard working student. He studied hard and got first position in the school. He just reached home from school.)
Shyam:  ( In happy mood) Father, I got the first position in my school. See this (sowing his marksheet)
Harka:    Well done son, you have done best but I’m uneducated so for me this is same as Kala AaksherBhaishiBarabar.Ok go and tell this news to your mother.
Shyam:   Mom, I got the first position in my school.
Ramkali: Very good son. I think you are hungry so call your father and then we will take dinner.
(All the members took dinner and went to sleep)
(Next day Shyam got up early, took lunch and gets ready for school)
Shyam:  Bye father, Bye mother I’m going to school.
Ramkali: Ok bye son.
(At school, shyam’s friends were playing and at the same time shyam went there and ask for playing with them.)
Shyam:   Excuse me friends, can I play with you?
Friend:   No, you stupid, you don’t know you are from lower caste and we are from upper caste. You can’t play with us. Go away from here. (all of them started laughing at him ha…..ha….ha……)
(After that Shyam went along to the tap and started drinking water)
Krishna:  Oh Shyam, what are you doing here. You touched this tap. Don’t you know you are from the lower caste?
Shyam:  I was so thirsty so I drank water.
Krishna:  I don’t know anything. Friends what can we do for him?
Friends:  An easy way is to beat him so let’s beat him. (They started to beat Shyam badly and after sometime Shyam went to his home with swallowing face)
Ramkali:  What happened to you my son? Why your face is swallowing?
Shyam:    Nothing mom.
Ramkali:  Don’t tell lie. Say what happened to you?
Shyam:   My school friends beat me in the school.
Harka:    What is happening here?
Ramkali:  Today in school, Shyam’s friends beat him very badly.
Harka:    Don’t worry son, you must have the courage to bear it.

(The society was dominating them but Shyam never lost his hard work. One day he got a scholarship to study MBBS in Kathmandu.)
Shyam:  Father….father……
Harka:   Yes, I’m coming.
Shyam:  father, I got a scholarship to study MBBS in Kathmandu.
Harka:   What does it mean son?
Shyam: It means Doctory father.
Harka:  Oh that’s a great opportunity for you my son. You must best utilize it and should become a doctor.
Shyam:  But my class is running so I must leave today.
Ramkali:  Son, we have a dream to make you a great person in your life and for this opportunity we cannot stop you here. Go and pack your bag.
(Shyam packs his bag and asks for permission with his parents)
Shyam:  I’m going.
Harka:   After going there, don’t forgot us, call time and again and study as hard as you can and return by being a doctor.
Shyam:  Ok father, Bye.
(After few years of study Shyam become a doctor and now he is telephoning with his parents.)
Harka:  Hello, who is it?
Shyam:  Father Pranam
Harka:  God bless you my son and how are you?
Shyam:  I’m fine and I have a good news for you.
Harka:   What is that?
Shyam:   I completed my course and became a doctor.
Harka:  Oh really, well done son.
Shyam:  And where is mother, I want to talk with her.
Harka:   Ramkali, our son became a doctor. Talk with him.
Ramkali:  Hello son.
Shyam:   Pranam mom
Ramkali:  God bless you my son. Today I’m so happy to hear that my son became a doctor. Return here fast I’m willing to see you.
Shyam:  Ok mother, I will come soon. Mom please give phone to father.
Harka:   yes, son
Shyam: What is the condition of the village?
Harka:  What can I say son, the whole village is suffering from diarrohea and there is no docter in the health post. Some villagers lost their life due to it so the condition is so critical.
Shyam:  Don’t worry father, I’m coming soon. I’ll treat them.
Harka:   But how can you come here son? In the past years, the villagers dominated us badly, they didn’t let us to enter into temple and they also didn’t allow to touch the tap.
Shyam:  This is the 21st century father and in this time we must know that such kind of beliefs destroy our social harmony and cooperation between the peoples so now we have to teach them the lesion of humanity and make them realize that all people in this world are equal.
Harka:  Ok son, come soon and then we will talk about it.
(After few days Shyamarrived his home)
Shyam:  Father….Father….. open the door.
Harka:  Oh my son, you came.
Shyam: Pranam father ( Greets his father)
Harka:  (being happy) Great son you have done well.
Shyam: Where is mom?
Harka:  Ramkali…..come here our son came.
Ramkali:  Son, you became so big.
Shyam:   Pranam mom (greets his mother)
Ramkali:  God bless you my son. Now you have to do a lot of works in this society.
Shyam:   Ok mom. Father let’s go to the village.
Harka:   Ok let’s go.
(They both father and son went to the priest at first)
Shyam:   Namaskar uncle
Priest:    Namaskar… Who are you?
Shyam:  I’m Shyam, son of Harka.
Priest:    Oh son you became a doctor. I’m dying son make me alive.
Shyam:   Don’t worry uncle, I’ll check you and provide medicine.
(Shyam starts to examine the priest)
Shyam:  Are you drinking a lot of water or not?
Priest:    No son
Shyam:   But why?
Priest:    Villagers advised me not to drink a lot of water.
Shyam:  They are wrong uncle you must drink a lot of water then only you will be fine soon.
Priest:   Ok son
(Likewise they visited all the villagers home and provide medicine. After finishing, they went to their home.)
(The next day all the villagers gathered at one place and started discussing about Shyam and his work to make them alive. At last they decided to go Shyam’s house and beg sorry for their mistake.)
Villagers:  Harka….harka……please open the door.
Harka:      Ramkali go and look who is there.
Ramkali:   (opens the door) Namaskar
Villagers:   Namaskar.
Ramkali:   shyam’s father look here all the villagers are in our home.
Harka:      Why all the villagers are here? What crime we did again?
Priest:      Today we are here to beg sorry with your family.
Harka:    For what?
Priest:    In the past years, we used to discriminate you saying lower caste people. We didn’t let you to enter into the temple but today your son became a doctor and treat the villagers when the whole village was suffering from diarrhoea so we want to beg sorry with your family and if you want to forgive us we want to live with you in harmony.
Harka:  it’s ok
(While they were talking one stranger arrived there )
Stranger:  Namaskar to you all
Villagers:   Namaskar
Stranger:  What is going on? Why are you gathered here?
Priest:     In our village, there was the system of untouchability but today we all realized that everyone is equal in this world so we are here to beg sorry with this family and to end this system from our society.
Stranger: This is the sign of an ideal society so let’s eliminate untouchability from the society.
All the villagers and the stranger said “Let’s end the system of untouchability and live happily in harmony.”

(The curtain is closed)
v The drama is directed by Gulmi ACCESS students, Madhab Parajuli and Bhuwan Pandey, and performed by Gulmi ACCESS students: Bhuwan Pandey (Harka), Roshni Nepali (Ramkali), Sawroj Rana Magar (Shyam), Madhab Parajuli (Priest), Sanjay Adhikari, Nitish Nepali, Shristhi Acharya and Isha Sunar (Friends), Mansoon B.K. (Krishna), Navin Thapa, Nirmala Acharya, Anil Pandey and Rejina Pandey (Villagers), Babil Reshmi (stranger), Bibek Marasini (Cock).

Discuss with your friends
a)     What is untouchability?
b)    Why Harka and Ramkali went to temple?
c)     Why was Shyam crying while returning to home from school?
d)    What was the reason behind keeping Harka’s family away from temple?
e)    Is it right to have such system in our society? Why?
f)      If you were in the place of Shyam, do you help the villagers in that condition?
g)     Was it right to end untouchability from the society?
h)    What is the moral of this drama?

Use the following in your own sentences
a) Enter into                  b) started to
      c) As same as                d) Go away
     e) Come soon
Ø Visit one village where untouchability was in practice and observe.  Gather some information and prepare a report on it.
Now you write
Ø Suppose you are one of the upper caste familymember of the Khalankot village in this drama. Now, write how will you treat the Harka’s family who were discriminated being lower caste people.
Ø Write a summary of this drama?
Creative section
Ø Write a short drama on the topic of ‘Education’.
Ø Imagine that you are discriminated from your society as Shyam, write some points how you feel in such condition.